Your 95 Theses
WE GATHER PRELUDE BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS *HYMN A Mighty Fortress Is Our God UMH# 110 *CALL TO WORSHIP L: Magnify the Lord; exalt God’s holy name. P: The Lord hears the pleas of the perishing. L: Magnify the Lord; exalt God’s holy name. P: The Lord restores the fortunes of the righteous. L: Magnify the Lord; exalt God’s holy name. P: The Lord redeems the lives of God’s servants. *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON) God, our Healer, give us the courage of blind Bartimaeus, to cry out to you when we are in need; give us the confidence of the psalmist, to sing your praises and magnify your name. Grant us the wisdom, O God, to seek from you what is of real value—what will truly make us well, what will truly make us whole, what will truly give us bliss. Amen. *HYMN Holy, Holy, Holy UMH# 64 v 1, 2, 4 WE PROCLAIM GOD'S WORD CHILDREN’S CHAT OLD TESTAMENT READ...