It’s “love your enemy” Sunday, y’all. The most uncomfortable words ever to come out of Jesus’ mouth. This teaching happens immediately after last week’s Gospel passage–the Sermon on the Plain, Luke’s version of the Beatitudes. Jesus is still standing on flat land, on eye level with everyone standing around him. The words he just said really dressed down a few key groups of people–the wealth hoarders, the food hoarders, and Jesus’ perpetual frenemies, the Pharisees. If any of those words describe you, should you bother to stay to hear more? And if none of those words describe you, if you are in the groups Jesus just called blessed–the poor, the food insecure, and the mourning–now what? If Jesus tells me that I’m blessed and woe will come to you, does that make you my enemy? And, if so, how am I supposed to treat you? Bringing up the word “enemy” in a spiritual circle is a great way to halt a conversation. That word makes us very uncomfortable, and that discomfort is coming from a ...