Wonderful Counselor
WE GATHER PRELUDE BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS *HYMN O Come, O Come, Emmanuel UMH# 211 v 1, 2, 4 *CALL TO WORSHIP L: Children of God, pay attention! The days are coming when God’s peace will reign and all creation will flourish under the reign of our Creator. P: The days are surely coming! L: Children of God, prepare your hearts! The days are coming and are already here when God will come near and show us how to recognize God’s reign among us. P: The days are surely coming and are already here! L: Children of God, be alert and listen! God has come near to build the kin-dom on the earth here and now. Will you join in? P: The days are surely coming and are already here! We come to prepare our hearts to pay attention, to listen, and to follow God’s call to build the kin-dom of earth as it is in heaven. Amen. *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON) God of our Expectations, we prais...