
Showing posts from September, 2024

Women of the OT, Part 1: Eve

  WE GATHER   PRELUDE  BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST  WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS  *HYMN This Is a Day of New Beginnings UMH# 383 v 1, 2, 4  *CALL TO WORSHIP  L: The heavens shout of God’s glory!  P: There is so much beauty in this earth and in the heavens!  L: Day by day we are reminded of God’s creative love.  P: Day by day we are blessed with large and small visions of God’s glory.  L: Come, let us praise the God of creation.  P: Let us sing and shout our praises of thanksgiving and joy to God. AMEN.  *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON)  Lord, we have come this day to hear your words of healing love and hope. Enter our hearts and our spirits and teach us to follow you. Give us courage and strength to be your faithful disciples. AMEN.  *HYMN Leaning on the Everlasting Arms UMH# 133  WE PROCLAIM GOD'S WORD   CHILDREN’S CHAT  OLD TESTAMENT READING  Genesis 3: 1-11  The First Sin and Its Punishment 3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any other wild animal that the Lord God had made. H

Moses and Us

  WE GATHER   PRELUDE  BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST  WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS  *HYMN O, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing UMH# 57 v 1,2,7  *CALL TO WORSHIP  L: Lord, open our hearts this morning to hear your words of compassion.  P: Lord, help us to truly listen to you.  L: Lord, open our spirits this morning to strengthen our faith.  P: Lord, help us to work for you.  L: Lord, make us ready to serve.  P: Lord, make us ready to witness to your healing love. AMEN.  *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON)  Lord of mercy and compassion, be with us this day as we hear of the healing love of Jesus. Remind us that we are also recipients of his compassion and we are called to bring the same hope and love to others. Prepare us for service in His Name. AMEN.  *HYMN Jesu, Jesu UMH# 432 v 2, 3, 5  WE PROCLAIM GOD'S WORD   CHILDREN’S CHAT  OLD TESTAMENT READING  Exodus 20: 1-21  The Ten Commandments 20 Then God spoke all these words, 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt,