Women of the OT, Part 3: Hannah
WE GATHER PRELUDE BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS *HYMN Come, Christians, Join to Sing UMH# 158 *CALL TO WORSHIP L: Blessed be the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth! P: Praise be to God, the Giver of many gifts! L: Our help is in God’s name, the One who calls us here. P: We come with songs of praise, with prayers too deep for words. L: Blessed be the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth! P: Blessed be the Lord! *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON) Christ Jesus, we come into your presence from many different places. We come with songs of joy and shouts of gratitude. We come carrying heavy burdens and sighs of suffering. As you welcome us into your house, lift our burdens and receive our praise. Salt us with your grace and flavor us with your mercy. Bind us together, that we may be at peace with one another and be strengthened to go forth in service to the world. In your holy name, we pray....