
Showing posts from August, 2024

Moses and Aaron

  WE GATHER   PRELUDE  BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST  WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS  *HYMN "I Believe in the Sun" See Screen  *CALL TO WORSHIP  L: Every generous act of giving is a tribute to God’s love for us.  P: Lord, let us be people of generous and abundant gifts for others. L: Be ready to listen and slow to react in anger.  P: Lord, prepare us to be peaceful people.  L: Keep your hearts and spirits ready to serve the Lord.  P: Lord, open our hearts to hear and respond to your words of life in ministries of hope and peace. AMEN.  *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON)  Lord of mercy and abundant love, we have gathered here this day to hear your healing words of compassion and to be transformed by your love. Help us to become more faithful servants in our thoughts, words, and deeds. It is in Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN.  *HYMN " I Dream of a Church" See Screen  WE PROCLAIM GOD'S WORD   CHILDREN’S CHAT  OLD TESTAMENT READING  Exodus 32: 1-14  The Golden Calf 32 When the

Moses and Miriam

  WE GATHER   PRELUDE  BRINGING IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST  WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS  *HYMN Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise UMH # 103  *CALL TO WORSHIP  L: How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts.  P: Our souls long for the courts of the Lord; we sing joy to the living God.  L: Even the sparrow finds a home and the swallow a nest for herself, where she  may lay her young.  P: Happy are those who live in your house, singing your praise.  L: Happy are those whose strength is in you.  P: One day in God's house is better than a thousand elsewhere.  *OPENING PRAYER (IN UNISON)  Liberating God, this morning we gather together, just like the women who were drawn to one place by Miriam. We celebrate our joys and successes, and give thanks that we have survived our worst days. Hear our tambourines jingling and our voices lifted up in these moments when we remember to sing. And when the music ends, we disperse, and Miriam fades into the background, help us to remember her, one a