Time to Go Home
Service of Worship Eastern Parkway United Methodist Church November 28, 2021 First Sunday of Advent Rev. Natalie Bowerman, Pastor Prelude Greeting and Announcements Mission Statement: We are a faith community striving to be, to nurture, and to send forth disciples of Jesus Christ. Lighting of the Advent Candle Words by Derek Weber Reader One: We have endured these past few years and know that there is more to face before us. We don’t know if we have the strength to withstand what might be around the next corner. And we wonder who will stand with us, who will have our back, who will occupy our corner. Reader Two: Who is with us? That is what we begin to wonder these days. Who will light our way and chart our course? Who is on our side, who will welcome us home again? Reader One: Home. The prophet Jeremiah speaks of a branch that will be raised. Jesus spoke of a Son of Man that will descend. Both point to...